The Adventure Begins…
Photo credit: Ole Witt - Unsplash
Get up.
Get going.
Isn’t that what it all comes down to anyway? When was the last time you got anywhere without taking the first step? It’s impossible.
Often times, we wait. For the right time. The right place. The right moment. The right combination of things. For the stars to align.
But it never happens.
You have to start before you’re ready.
Just open up the laptop and begin. Start the blog. Start writing the book you’ve been thinking about for a long while. Reach out to that old friend. Dust off the canvas and start painting.
Whatever it is – Just start.
Research shows that taking the first step can be incredibly powerful. Though we spend so much time procrastinating, thinking of all the reasons why we can’t or shouldn’t or won’t start now, we actually feel better once we do start.
…And so the adventure begins…
This blog has been on my mind for four years – FOUR YEARS….
I’ve come up with topics and catchy titles. Just wait – some are pretty clever :-)
I’ve envisioned what font would be used on the blog. Taken photos that would be used in future posts.
And waited…. FOUR YEARS…
Until today.
Actually, until two weeks ago when all of my ideas about this blog came tumbling out while talking with my hairstylist while she was highlighting my hair. I started talking about it and couldn’t stop – she was just so darn supportive and encouraging. Until she stopped what she was doing and asked – “Why?”
Of course, I thought she meant why would I start the blog – which confused me. Wasn’t that obvious in my 15 minute rambling? So I started rambling again – That I’ve studied and come across so much research on joy, happiness, and purpose during my training to be a neuropsychologist, but we can use this information day in and day out. How I’m a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a brain doctor, a psychologist, a researcher, and a teacher, and I want to share what I’ve learned. But not in a boring, “statistical analyses show that if you do X for X amount of time you will rate your happiness as 1% higher on a survey,” sort of way. No, I want to start a conversation, helping people view their lives differently – through a lens of joy.
After my rambling, I realized she meant why haven’t I started? If it’s been on my heart and mind for four years, why haven’t I started?
Time. That’s what I said. I work full-time as a neuropsychologist – I see patients, I conduct research, and I educate trainees. I prioritize time with my family. And so on and so on. blah-blah-blah.
So I vowed to give her an update in 12 weeks at my next appointment…
And now I’m here.
I read an article today that has put things into perspective.
Times are currently chaotic – more so by the minute.
There’s millions of people in isolation or quarantine due to a global pandemic. Things are changing by the moment. I currently have enough peanut butter, bottled water, shelf-stable food, dog food for my 60 lb. not-so-mini “mini” goldendoodle, soap, and supplies to last weeks (hopefully). I’ve silenced my phone and alerts because of information overload. The world is panicking, anxious, and uncertain. So what can we do?
As in all situations, we do what we can. We control what we can control and we let go of the rest. We take care of our tribe and we reflect on our priorities.
It’s this reflecting that led me to start this. Today.
In times of chaos it’s important to focus on what we can control – washing our hands, phoning/FaceTiming to check in on loved ones and those who are vulnerable, and buying essentials – but it’s important for us to zoom out too.
Focus on what is most important. Because time shouldn’t be taken for granted.
If there’s something you feel called to do, that you can’t stop thinking about doing, then that’s something that needs to be dealt with.
For me, it’s this.
So here we go.
Let’s do this thing.
Let’s just start.
Let’s reflect on the big and the little things in our lives – the things that bring us joy.
Let’s make it a philosophy - the Joyfulosophy.
And so our adventures begins…