Dreaming of You
Photo credit: Lindy Fields
I’ve been thinking about dreams a lot recently – between the wild pregnancy dreams and the nights searching online for inspiration for the perfect nursery for you to dream in.
… but it’s more than that – much more than that.
For the past week since we found out you are a blossoming Baby Boy, I’ve made absolutely no progress with the nursery...
or the registry...
or any of the To Do’s on my list…
and I’m perfectly content with that.
Instead, I’ve been dreaming of you – what you’ll look like, whose eyes you’ll have, if you’ll have your daddy’s dark hair or your mama’s round face.
I’ve seen you in a couple of my own nighttime dreams – playing and running, laughing and jumping. But those dreams are too fleeting – a flicker of a glimpse at you, but never for long enough – leaving me even more anxious to meet you when I awake.
And when I’m awake I’m thinking of what you are dreaming of – when you’re not kicking and flipping in my belly like the lively little wild child your movements are suggesting you may be.
I find myself wondering what you’ll be dreaming of in the future.
As I sit here and pet the furry four-legged pup who is eagerly awaiting your arrival, I dream of the adventures you’re bound to have with your rambunctious fluffy sidekick.
I wonder if you’ll dream of being an athlete, an architect, an actor, or a realtor? Or maybe a doctor, a teacher, a veterinarian, or a detective?
Will you dream of exploring the world, traveling, or writing?
Will you dream of creating a family of your own that you cherish when you’re young and spry as well as when you’re old and grey?
Whatever it is that your dreams entail – I absolutely cannot wait to meet you and watch you live them.
For now, as I sit here feeling your flutters and kicks while you take a stretch break between slumbers, I know that I’m holding my dreams right here.