Holding On
Photo credit: Tylene Kilgore Photography
They say, “Hold on tight – the newborn phase is a wild ride.”
They say, “You think you’re sleepy now? Just hold on until the sleep regression.”
They say, “You think you’re busy now? Just hold on – this is nothing!”
Well, here we are – safely on the other side of the fourth trimester, seemingly in the thick of the infamous sleep regression phase (depending on the night), and busy balancing family, baby, work, and everything-else-in-life – holding on…
… but not in the ways I was warned to.
I’m not just holding on, waiting for the continued sleepiness that they tell me await me in the coming weeks.
I’m not just holding on, waiting for the speed of the hamster wheel of life to spin faster and faster like they say it will.
No, I am holding on to each and every one of these moments, because I know they go by too fast.
So, instead I am…
… holding on to my baby’s tiny little hands as he holds onto mine – the only thing that will soothe him when his nighttime sleep isn’t coming easy.
… holding on to his ever-growing body cozying up in my arms – putting everything else and the busyness of the world aside so I can hold onto him and his babbling, smiling, cooing, sweet little chubby-cheeked self for as long as I possibly can.
So, to the mama who is being told to, “Hold on,” – please don’t get caught up in chasing the thoughts of what comes next and what may await around the bend.
… Instead, I would tell you, “Please, hold on…,” – to these moments, to those tiny little hands, and to that sweet little baby as much as you can.